OCTOBER 25, 2014
If you happened to be in Copenhagen, Denmark the afternoon of October 25, you could have seen the future of Scientology in Europe unfold literally before your eyes.

An historic moment in the Church of Scientology’s ambitious global progression arrived this Saturday with the dedication of its Ideal Continental Liaison Office for Europe (CLO EU). The sprawling facility’s importance as a central European headquarters fuelling the religion’s epic expansion throughout the continent and indeed the world cannot be overstated.
A rousing celebration greeted the grand opening of the 98,000-square-foot hub housing the ecclesiastical management activities for every sector of Scientology activity all around Europe. That includes the Churches and the Advanced Organisation that deliver the Scientology Bridge to Missions, groups and individual Scientologists across the European continent, as well as broad-scale social outreach.
On hand to partake of the festivities were thousands of Scientologists from throughout Europe, their presence speaking to the Church’s ever-expanding reach and popularity with nations in every corner of the EU – from England to Poland, France to Italy, Greece to Finland and all of the regions in-between.
“This is where we spearhead expansion across every European nation,” said David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, in remarks before the International Association of Scientologists 30th Anniversary celebration the week prior in Saint Hill, England. “It is the perfect emanation point for geographic expansion across the European Commonwealth.”
At the CLO EU event itself, Mr. Miscavige told the gathered celebrants that the new centre will “lay a firm foundation from which to extend our Golden Age ever outward.” He expressed confidence that Scientology’s “message of truth and immortality will be heard from Scandinavia to Siberia – and so deliver an empire of wisdom and knowledge to every corner of this storied land.”
The new Continental Liaison Office stands on a three-acre campus in Copenhagen’s Glostrup Commune, some 20 minutes from the city centre and literally around the corner from the New Era Publications printing and publishing plant. Its role in the Church mix will find it serving as a continental training ground for the Scientology ministry as well as an emanation point for every Church-sponsored social betterment and humanitarian activity across Europe.
CLO EU is unique among Scientology continental centres in that it carries the responsibility to translate Dianetics and Scientology Scripture for a region spanning Norway to the Indian subcontinent to Southern Africa. This speaks to the growing demand for Scientology materials that the Copenhagen headquarters addresses, accommodating the religion’s most voluminous translation unit.
Mr. Miscavige added that the facility is further designed to raise the number of Golden Age of Knowledge and Golden Age of Tech Phase II materials, with more than 80 % of all indigenous dialects to be disseminated – from Albanian and Bulgarian to Ukranian, Serbian, Romanian and Arabic. A bank of state-of-the-art audiovisual studios will expand language translation capacity from 17 languages up to 50.
“You will be able to record translated versions of L. Ron Hubbard lectures in such remote tongues as Farsi, Swahili, Urdu, Hindi and Zulu as well as all of the aforementioned languages,” Mr. Miscavige emphasised. “In that way, we make Dianetics and Scientology available to upwards of five billion human beings the world over.”
The opening serves to carry forward the momentum generated by Scientology’s explosive international growth. It began with the proliferation of Ideal Churches of Scientology throughout every continent, each providing the full scope of religious services to their parishioners and humanitarian programmes to communities.
That was followed by the age-defining release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II, resulting in unparalleled numbers of Scientologists advancing up the Bridge to Total Freedom. It led a few months later to the Church’s establishment of Ideal Advanced Organisations and all toward the formation of Ideal Sea Org Bases in every continental zone.
The Ideal CLO Europe marks the next major step toward the completion of that Ideal European Base that already includes:
- New Era Publications, the fully digital, on-demand printing facility that produces all Scripture for Scientology Churches, Missions and groups continent-wide.
- All new accommodations for Scientology ministry located on a six-acre property along the Danish straits.
- The Ideal Advanced Organisation and Saint Hill of Europe (AOSH EU), opened in February of this year and located in the heart of Copenhagen.
The final elements of the Ideal European Base nearing completion include:
- The new Ideal Organisation of Denmark in its landmark building on Copenhagen’s renowned Stroget walking street.
- And the fully remodelled, seven-storey Nordland Hotel, a full-service hotel that will provide more than 80 guest rooms to accommodate Scientologists arriving for services from nations across Europe.