The Road to Havingness
Through seven and a half years, in addition to all else demanding his attention, L. Ron Hubbard had delivered more than 1,000 Advanced Clinical Courses and Professional Course lectures—a body of technology delineating every conceivable aspect of the mind and spirit and mapping the route to higher states. And now he embarked on the task of overcoming the only remaining barrier: cracking the toughest of “tough” cases. Convened immediately following the South African Anatomy Congress, the 3rd South African ACC is where Mr. Hubbard taught the Pre-Havingness Scale, a new assessment scale oriented around the make‑break point of a case. Trained on processes utilizing this scale, ACC auditors made short work of the “toughest” of those “tough” cases, cracking every one in four weeks. Yet all of this culminated in a development that, in his words, “made history”—Goals and Goals Assessment. For not only did the technology L. Ron Hubbard taught on this last ACC launch an avalanche straight to Clear, but SOP Goals led directly to an entirely new and pivotal echelon of auditor training—the commencement of the legendary Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and the final accomplishment of The Bridge we have today.
What we have learned in the past more aptly fits in the future. The development of Dianetics and Scientology has if anything been backwards. It went from a medium high to a very high and then started downscale trying to find the undercut and where people lived. Well, we’re there now, we’ve got the undercuts and we know where people live. Well, just remember that the remainder of it has all been developed in the past and that you have it already. So don’t lose the old data and say, ‘Well, Ron changed his mind all the time.’ No, Ron has just been seeking new lows and we’ve got it now.
The data which you have been taught on this ACC you will find broadly usable. I’m very confident that it could continue to be broadly used for a very, very long time. —L. Ron Hubbard
In seven and a half years, in addition to all else that demanded his attention in terms of administration and expansion, L. Ron Hubbard had delivered 22 ACCs, giving a total of 931 lectures delineating every conceivable aspect of the mind and spirit and mapping the route to higher states. If the achievement inspires awe for its unprecedented scope, of even greater significance is what those lectures represent—a body of technology that will stand forever as a gateway to freedom for all beings on Earth, in this and every succeeding generation.
And now, starting on 23 January 1961, Mr. Hubbard would teach the 3rd South African Advanced Clinical Course in Johannesburg. This first and only ACC he delivered in South Africa was also the last ACC he ever delivered. For it not only put the finishing touches and concluding exclamation mark on one entire phase of research and development, it marked the watershed starting point for the next.
The back story of how he came to South Africa is the culmination of all he had sought to achieve since he launched the first Advanced Clinical Course in October 1953. Specifically, auditing technology to move any case up to Clear, and training procedures to make all auditors capable of accomplishing that goal with any preclear. With the breakthrough of Presessioning and the Regimens (1st Saint Hill ACC), combined with Model Session and a new standard of auditing procedure (22nd American ACC), HGCs throughout the world were now advancing cases to Clear regularly and with velocity.
At which point, as Mr. Hubbard was to relate, came the realization that it was cases initially cracked that was the remaining obstacle in the drive toward broad clearing.
“It’s a very dangerous thing for an incomplete body of knowledge to be extant. And that means that you can’t leave out one case here and one case there and say, ‘Well, we’re getting the percentage of cases and that’s all fine.’ No, that’s not good enough. That’s not even half good enough. That’s a very poor thing. You leave out one case and you’ve caved in the ruddy lot. So that’s what I’ve been going toward.
“Now consistent with this, the more gains that are made by undercutting, the more speed is added to clearing.”
And where better to discover the launch point for every case than South Africa, a country with an active and expanding field, yet a unique set of circumstances:
“Cases—South Africa—were the roughest cases in the world by my experience. We had had these cases scattered through Central Organizations and so forth for a long time.”
Thus, in September 1960, he flew to Johannesburg. Having acquired a modern house overlooking the city, he immediately embarked on what he described as an all-out research program. With the Johannesburg HGC as his testing ground, and under his supervision, by the end of two and a half months its auditors were cracking every case that walked in the door—quite literally, by the dozens. Hence, his later comment, “You never saw anything as cocky right now as a Johannesburg HGC auditor.”
Yet a razor sharp HGC was only the start of what L. Ron Hubbard brought to South Africa. With word of mouth spreading like a bush fire, he convened the South African Anatomy Congress before 500 Scientologists—the largest Congress to date—where he announced a program to make every man, woman and child in the nation as able as possible, as fast as possible.
And so began the 3rd South African ACC—to train the country’s best auditors to accomplish that very objective. For quite in addition to all else it meant to receive personalized auditor instruction and supervision from Mr. Hubbard, he had also made a pivotal breakthrough—a new assessment scale oriented around what he had identified as the make-break point of a case:
“I was writing it down and all of a sudden said, ‘Well, holy cats, that’s a Havingness Scale. What do you know? Those are the reasons why people can’t have.’”
Thus, his development of the Pre-Havingness Scale, coalescing all he had discovered about the factors that prevented a preclear from being fully in session. Trained by Ron on processes that utilized this scale, those ACC auditors made short work of the “toughest” cases—cracking every one in four weeks. All the while with L. Ron Hubbard teaching a panoply of related technical developments providing the background and underlying theory, including:
- South African Rundown—its release, and the story of how the technology to handle the factor of Help formed the basis of this rundown;
- Change, Education and Processing—why they are called the Three Therapies of Earth and how change and education relate to processing;
- Point of Reference—why a case, to be stable, must have a point of reference, and why that point of reference is the present time mest universe;
- Dissemination—the role of the Pre-Havingness Scale as a method of contacting new public;
- Memory—it is not stored but created;
- Creativeness—what the bank has to do with it, and how auditing uninhibits the creativeness of the individual.
And all culminating in yet another development, one that, in his own words, “made history”—Goals and Goals Assessment. In point of fact, what it meant for cases was so monumental he would direct all staff around the world to be audited on SOP Goals, regardless of all former auditing—quite simply because it was now the fastest route to Clear.
Whereas L. Ron Hubbard accomplished everything he had set out to do in South Africa—new PE programs successfully implemented that would be exported internationally, a new office established in Cape Town and expansion in Durban, all in addition to the technical gains—there is an even greater finale. For not only did this final ACC launch an avalanche to Clear, it led directly to what would follow from an HCO Information Letter Mr. Hubbard issued from Saint Hill the very next month:
“With the advent of Standard Operating Procedure Goals, which has now shown its ability to make Releases or Clears of all cases on the 3rd South African ACC and in HGCs, it is necessary that persons from various parts of the world be given an opportunity to study all materials on this technology and be specially briefed in its use and receive enough auditing on it under close supervision to have a full reality on its results.”
And what that heralded was an entirely new echelon of auditor training—the commencement of the legendary Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and the final accomplishment of The Bridge we have today.