In pursuing the goal to eliminate substance abuse and addiction, Narconon staff and volunteers reach out to professionals, educators, legislators and community members with drug education campaigns to raise awareness of the scope of the problem and effective solutions.
Those using drugs not only destroy their own lives, they very often put others around them at risk as well. Narconon drug education helps individuals fully understand the mechanics of addiction and explains the exact effects of drugs on a person’s mind and body. This information is a proven deterrent to entering into substance abuse.
Narconon offers drug education presentations in a wide variety of settings—schools, service clubs, churches and community centres—providing essential information about drug abuse.
Narconon community activities further include distribution of drug education materials at local health fairs and sponsoring major sports events. Narconon drug education booklets have been handed out to hundreds of thousands in 10 languages throughout the world.
In Colombia, for example, Narconon conducted a nationwide public awareness campaign, giving presentations to schools, universities and civic groups and participating in the World Congress Against Drug Addiction.
When Hawaii was gripped by a methamphetamine epidemic, Narconon conducted a statewide drug education campaign, creating a “Keeping Your Kids Drug-Free—What Parents Need to Know” DVD based on parent interviews. Narconon Hawaii distributed 9,000 copies throughout the islands, reinforced with live drug education presentations to tens of thousands of students in 100 schools and groups.
In conjunction with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s travelling exhibit and museum housed in Times Square in New York City, Narconon drug prevention specialists gave presentations to thousands of schoolchildren touring the site from throughout the state.

Narconon staff and volunteers have delivered presentations on effective rehabilitation and drug prevention techniques at international conferences in India, Pakistan, China, Africa, Iran and other areas.
In the Philippines, at the invitation of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and Dangerous Drugs Board, Narconon International delivered training in drug rehabilitation and education to professionals. After their training, Philippine agents delivered to more than 200,000 students.
In Mumbai, India, Narconon International staff provided drug education training to students at six colleges, doctors at a medical university and other civic groups.
Narconon International staff travelled to Accra, Ghana, to help establish a Narconon Ghana drug education centre. Since then, Narconon Ghana staff have annually travelled across the country delivering drug education to thousands of children and adults in schools and other settings.
In the United States, what began as a grass-roots movement known as Friends of Narconon has evolved into a drug education curriculum used in over 4,000 U.S. schools.
Also, the Narconon International Science Advisory Board has assumed a central role in the field of drug rehabilitation. For years, board members have been doing clinical studies of different aspects of the detoxification procedure. They have presented numerous papers on this procedure to scientific conferences and journals, including the Royal Swedish Academy’s academic journal, the Journal of Toxicology, the American Public Health Association, and the International Conference on Human Detoxification.