The most effective weapon in combating drugs and drug abuse is education. Churches of Scientology and their members have worked in concert with like-minded groups and individuals to bring about a significant change in the global drug problem.
Because of the effectiveness of the educational materials and the impact of the program’s activities wherever it is implemented, the Truth About Drugs campaign commands the respect and support of teachers, health instructors, school counselors, police officers, community leaders, government officials, students and parents.
Statistics show the impact:

The program’s effectiveness is further demonstrated by the ever-increasing number of young people who use these materials and in turn share the truth about drugs with their friends and families.
In this manner, the global Truth About Drugs program is making measurable strides toward achieving a generation that will remain free from the ravages of drug abuse.
Some 1,200 organizations, law enforcement and government agencies in 180 countries have joined with Scientologists to combat drug abuse through the
In response to the extensive drug prevention efforts spearheaded by Scientologists in Taiwan, the nation’s Ministry of Interior presented the national Religious Excellence Award to the Church of Scientology.
By this letter, the Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is establishing a partnership with the Foundation for a
Through this letter, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the Truth About Drugs course imparted to members of the Coordination of School Safety Programs, which has been of great assistance to professionalize the workshops on drug prevention that are given in Mexico City schools. All of our members have demonstrated greater knowledge on the subject and have above all clarified many questions and uncertainties on how to give these workshops to students, parents and teachers.
I also want to thank you for the material that was given to us, which is a credit to the honorable foundation of which you are part. It is being utilized to reach people who benefit from these workshops in the different schools of Mexico. I thank you and look forward to continue working with you. I give you my kindest regards. —Underdirector, School Safety Unit, Mexico City, Mexico
After receiving and reviewing the materials, I decided to utilize The Truth About Drugs videos as part of my 8th grade student drug lessons. This year, the students viewed the marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD, prescription drugs and painkillers segments as well as the introduction and “The Final Word.” The students were very interested in The Truth About Drugs videos and most classes would start with the students asking if we were viewing more videos on that day. The testimony of former drug users gives credibility to the message I try to instill in the students, in a way that a law enforcement officer alone never could. —Detective, Department of Police, New Jersey, U.S.
The program materials and DVD were astonishingly effective—the students and staff requested more time to view the program. The experience had such a profound effect that the police department has been invited by the local schools in the community to offer the Drug-Free World program. —Police Department Community Services Officer, U.S.
This is a major contribution, one of the major contributions that Scientology made, and nobody else even tried. —Vice President, Asian American Economic Development Enterprises, U.S.
I am a pastor of a church, a senator and a Pentecostal. When I have called Scientology to come and help and teach us lessons—teach our youth and give us some information—they come, they are there. —New York State Senator, U.S.
Truth About Drugs materials will cause an effect so great it will ripple out across America. This program is the answer to the global epidemic. I want it mandatory for school children across America to go through the Truth About Drugs curriculum. —President, International Faith-Based Coalition, U.S.
I write this letter in support of your organization whose booklets and DVDs we have been using and distributing for a number of years as we perform our duties in the community. We have found their information and resources on the effects and impact of drugs to be invaluable and easily understood, particularly by the youth in our community. —Maori Wardens Association, New Zealand
The Truth About Drugs campaign is essential to the deprived areas of our borough. You and your volunteers have the patience and time to come and distribute The Truth About Drugs booklets in my borough and help people. The Councillors and I are very proud of the work that The Truth About Drugs volunteers have done in cleaning up the area and distributing information booklets. I hope all the boroughs seeing what you have done will take advantage of what you have to offer. You are doing a marvelous job. People must congratulate you. —Ward Chair, England
This is a one-of-its-kind anti-drug initiative that offers hope and help to end the worldwide tragedy of drug abuse. —President, Police Clergy Council, U.S.
I just wanted to thank you once again for the entire program on The Truth About Drugs. I started each class period asking the students why people take drugs and they would shout out: to fit in, escape, relax, boredom, to feel grown up, rebel or just to experiment. They realized that a lot of what they hear on the streets about drugs are lies, and that is mostly thanks to your program. We loved it. —Teacher, U.S.
The videos and PSAs provide real-life reflections by students and young adults about their experiences with drugs. The quality of the video media and the content of the messages keep students engaged and interested. The free educational packet, which includes a curriculum manual, video and individual pamphlets on each of the drugs, makes implementing the lessons into a health unit an easy task. —District Resource Health/Physical Education, U.S.
I can say without a doubt that The Truth About Drugs curriculum used over the past year is the best and most inclusive I have ever used. The DVD itself, coupled with the pamphlets and lesson plans, has allowed me the opportunity to present drug information in a format that has literally grabbed the students’ attention. I show many videos and DVDs during the semester and this DVD is the only one the students ask to see again. —Health Educator, U.S.
Thank you for offering this outstanding material to the school free of charge. I honestly cannot put a price on how effective this program has been and will be. —High School Health Education Teacher, U.S.